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  • What

    Ardere is a 2.5D Side-Scroller Choices-Matter Party System Metroidvania.

  • When

    I would love to tell you confidently in June 2025… but seeing as this is a solo project… hopefully in June 2025!

  • How

    Using a combination of Unreal Engine, Maya, Blender, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Code, Blood, Sweat, and Tears

  • Why

    I’m crazy :] and I want to suffer!!! Jokes aside its been my dream since I was like 7 to make a game all on my own!

The Truth

Ardere is a 2.5D Metroidvania RPG about a runaway teenage girl on an impossible mission; The truth. Recruit those who you trust along the way, or remain the lone child you've always known. Traverse new environments and factions such as Progress (advancement above all else), Sanctuary (protect those who cannot protect themselves), and Harmony (peace among nature), choose your path and align your beliefs. Encounter unimaginable danger in toxic environments, and fight your way closer to the end goal using platformer-style fighting along with unique specific abilities you never knew you possessed. Find the truth. Find your truth.

The Process


The Process |




Character Concepts |

More coming soon…